Is edit.party only for video editors?
Nope! What makes edit.party so special is the variety of skillsets among the artists in the community.
I’m brand new to editing, can I still join?
Absolutely! We welcome all artists and editors of all skill levels.
Do you have to pay to join?
Nope! Our community is 100% free so that everyone can join! All of our admins and performers work on a volunteer basis.
How do I mute zoom audio?
Within the zoom interface:
1. Click on the ^ symbol next to “Unmute”
2. Select: “Leave Computer Audio”
How do I share my screen?
Music is streamed through the built in Zoom “Screen share” function so as to not disturb others working, most edit.party members use OBS (Open Broadcaster Software) and its virtual camera. You can get OBS here!
With OBS Open:
1. Select: Tools - Start VirtualCam
2. In the sources panel on the bottom, click on the + sign to select the project you want to share. We recommend “Window Capture” as it stays locked on one project window.
3. A properties window will pop up, and from there you can select the project window to share.
4. Start Streaming!
5. Open Zoom and choose "OBS-Camera" as a Video input (You may need to reboot zoom or check for updates if it doesn’t show as an option)
How do I use fun filters?
Check out Snap Camera for more access to all the latest Snap filters!
Once downloaded, open Zoom and choose "Snap Camera" as a Video input
How can I use emojis in the chat?
On a Mac: Press (Ctrl+command+Spacebar) to bring up the character viewer 😀
On a PC: During text entry, Press the (Windows logo) key + the (period) key. The emoji keyboard will appear.